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How do you make dependency between two mod ?


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Using Blary Pinewood Cottage as my main player home, and after figuring how Automatic Item Storage (AIS) by Manilla Turtle is working, i try to apply it on some containers inside the house. it work perfectly but as i know AIS only sort items that were listed in the certain formlist (of course all are vanilla asset).


now here is the thing, i've made one custom plugin that contain all weapons/armors/clothings/objects that i mash up from various mods here in nexus. and i want them can be sort as well. so i just check the pinewood plugin (master) and my custom plugin (active plugin) in CK, i simply added new chest inside the pinewood cell with new scripts and new formlist containing all weapons/armors/clothings/items ID. i save it and tested it...


the chest is nowhere to be found o_O

is there something missing ?...cause i've tried several time but still cant find solution to make both of these mod to "play along"


need halp ! and thanks in advance..

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Is another mod that's loading after yours resetting the formlist? Last mod wins.


Edit: I just looked at the Pinewood mod. It isn't a master so you have to temporarily make it one. In TES5Edit or TESVSnip or Wrye Bash you can set the "ESM" bit to "on" in Pinewood's esp file. Now when you load it into the CK with your mod it will actually be treated as a master file. Once you're done, you can (and should) turn the ESM bit back off again. The runtime doesn't care but, since it's listed as a master in your mod now, things will load as you are expecting.

Edited by CarlCorey
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I dunno really but I'd think its a matter of load order.

So your mod would have to be loaded before the other one.


yes i'm aware of load order, as my experience back in the day with GECK, but dunno why my plugin just wont recognize pinewood plugin as parent/master (everytime i alter with both plugin enable in CK). can see it when try to load my plugin in CK where in right tab you can see master plugin that were use and mine got nothing. weird :wacko:


but thanks for helping.


Is another mod that's loading after yours resetting the formlist? Last mod wins.


Edit: I just looked at the Pinewood mod. It isn't a master so you have to temporarily make it one. In TES5Edit or TESVSnip or Wrye Bash you can set the "ESM" bit to "on" in Pinewood's esp file. Now when you load it into the CK with your mod it will actually be treated as a master file. Once you're done, you can (and should) turn the ESM bit back off again. The runtime doesn't care but, since it's listed as a master in your mod now, things will load as you are expecting.


no as i known of, cause i always use a very unique ID name. And about pinewood plugin not a master file, i just saying it to refering it as parent or main asset not really as .esm plugin. i do can make it as one plugin by mashing up with TESVSnip but that is not really what i want it.


Already tried with TESVedit as well for creating merge patch even add pinewood as parent to my plugin but still it wont work ? the weird thing is when i loaded my plugin back in CK, the cell that belong to pinewood where i put my chest was duplicated but it just a plain empty space but my chest was there. i just dont get it back in FNV/FO3 with GECK i often made this dependency between mods and they works most of the time (guess i just forgot how).


Gonna try with TESVEdit again and do what you mention, really hoping it will work so thank you.. :happy:

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