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Is it really impossible to attach a light to a character?!


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I've worked for a week now trying to get a light mesh I made to attach to the character like Oblivion reloaded can do with the torch! I've made the mesh work as a carryable light, and I also converted that light into a skinned mesh that will fit onto the character where I want it to go. The only problem is that when I equip the clothing (that should light up).




1. Has no light, it emits no light. This makes sense because it has no light signature and is registered as clothing.


2. Has no flames either.



But if I drop the clothing onto the ground it:


Emits no light, but it has a flame on the candle.


If I equip the carryable light version of the mesh I can carry it just fine and it emits a light with a flame on the mesh in the proper position. I don't want this to happen because the idea of this mod I'm making is lights that you can wear on your person without taking up your Torch slot. Basically a hands-free light. I know it's possible because oblivion reloaded did it but I can't for the life of me figure this out.


I guess my last resort is to go digging into Oblivion Reloaded's work and see how their torch equip works.


My nifs aren't the problem, it's the game not registering my AttachLight node in my nif because it isn't a light to the game, but that the only way the game will let me carry a stupid light is if I take up a hand..


Guess I'll go dig through Oblivion Reloaded.



Update: So it's not their ESP. They did some kind of workaround with code via OBSE. I'll dig into that now.


Update: That's no help, will have to try and make my own workarounds in OBSE.

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You could move a light source around via script like the authors of Bluefire Flaming Claymore and Anduril Reforged did. I used the scripts as a base for the light source script of my Sonic Screwdriver.

You just saved my life with this mod I'm making. I was terrified I couldn't do it! Now I can get this to work! Thanks a ton! And to think OBSE won't even be required lol.

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