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CTD in front of Whiterun


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In case anyone happens to run across this while searching for fixes for this issue like I did, I had this problem in whiterun. I got to whiterun, played around in the city got the "Dragon Rising" mission went to do it and BAM CTD everytime midway to the western watch tower, no matter what I did any approach was not working. So I said screw it, and took the cart to falkreath to talk to the jarl there. I then proceeded to run to markarth (doing missions between mind you), did some more missions, ran to the temple of miridia, ran to dragons bridge, did some misc missions around there. Then ran to Rorikstead, then finally decided to make a break once again for western watch tower to finish the dragons rising mission and I got through the mission, and no more CTD's in whiterun. IDK what happens but its just stupid glitches sometimes with this game lol

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