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Which Gaming PC I should buy for Skyrim mods?


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I assume that this is the right place to talk about what Gaming PC I should purchase and a PC powerful enough to handle fantastic mods!

Otherwise if this topic is in the wrong section of these forums, feel free to delete this topic Admins and guide me to the suitable section of this forum. to post this

Anyway, quite recently I decided to sell my Xbox 360 slim and replace it with a Gaming PC... I know that my Xbox itself would sell at £200, (I haven't checked the price). Along with Skyrim, ME2/3 and a buttload of other games... hopefully all these would make it for over an hundred bucks... Plus, I'm giving away my harddrive containing the Skyrim latest DLCs, Minecraft and a downloaded GTA IV game and tons of other DLC. I know all these content I purchased aren't gonna fit into a 16GB drive but all that alone would make... hopefully over a 100 bucks. Which is why I'm thinking of keeping my gold account on there... since then assuming whoever I might sell it to can access my download history to download all the latest DLCs of their choice plus arcade games and other stuff. All of this would hopefully be a win-win enough to get to £1000...


You may ask, why would I do this? Simple, to catch the raw core in the beauty of these Skyrim mods...


Anyway, can anyone recommend me a Gaming PC with the price between £800-£1000?


I got an ace moniter, no need to worry about that.

Thanks in advance...

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If I were you, don't actually buy a PC from a retailer.


Buy the parts - as it would drastically cut the price down (easily to £600). Your budget is £1000, I reckon you could build a decent one (Which plays everything on ultra graphic settings)


As for selling the Xbox 360..



Plus, I'm giving away my harddrive containing the Skyrim latest DLCs, Minecraft and a downloaded GTA IV game and tons of other DLC.

Leaving your Xbox Live gold account on there - For one is a bad idea because people will have access to your e-mail address, or even your credit card details and make a tonne of payments to buy MS Points.


This would be an extremely bad idea from a security point of view and i think it is against the T&C's as you'll be "giving away" stuff and nothing returns to the publisher. If you're going to sell it.. Go ahead, but for the love of god don't leave your account on there aswell. If the downloads you have made on that hard drive are still there, the content is still accessible by anyone.


If you want to know my build.. Feel free to PM me and i'll give it to you. My computer hasn't had any trouble running anything on Ultra settings.



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I assume that this is the right place to talk about what Gaming PC I should purchase and a PC powerful enough to handle fantastic mods!

Otherwise if this topic is in the wrong section of these forums, feel free to delete this topic Admins and guide me to the suitable section of this forum. to post this

Anyway, quite recently I decided to sell my Xbox 360 slim and replace it with a Gaming PC... I know that my Xbox itself would sell at £200, (I haven't checked the price). Along with Skyrim, ME2/3 and a buttload of other games... hopefully all these would make it for over an hundred bucks... Plus, I'm giving away my harddrive containing the Skyrim latest DLCs, Minecraft and a downloaded GTA IV game and tons of other DLC. I know all these content I purchased aren't gonna fit into a 16GB drive but all that alone would make... hopefully over a 100 bucks. Which is why I'm thinking of keeping my gold account on there... since then assuming whoever I might sell it to can access my download history to download all the latest DLCs of their choice plus arcade games and other stuff. All of this would hopefully be a win-win enough to get to £1000...


You may ask, why would I do this? Simple, to catch the raw core in the beauty of these Skyrim mods...


Anyway, can anyone recommend me a Gaming PC with the price between £800-£1000?


I got an ace moniter, no need to worry about that.

Thanks in advance...


Depends if your after a all in one machine bundle, or to go custom with separate components...


Spare another 30bob http://www.ebuyer.com/410027-chillblast-fusion-gtx3000-gaming-pc-ivygtx3000w8 Blow most current games into FULL WACK detail


http://www.ebuyer.com/410613-cyberpower-gaming-squadron-elite-pc-ecc01144 Not a great difference from above and cheaper


http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FS-290-OE AMD machine might be better bundles out there








Just off the top my head, but anyway the most important money sink you should compare with these or neither of these machines is the Graphics card! Spend the most on this before anything else as CPU's & Memory tend to be decent enough from as old as 2 years ago to still run stuff as good enough or ultra setting depending on what you know.

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Don't worry about my gamer tag, All credit cards are removed and if even still stored there, it expired. As for email and the passwords, i'm creating another email and replace the old one and of course the password will be changed and I'll give the buyer the info they need to access it and stuff. Correct me if Im implying something... well stupid.
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