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Vampire appearance only


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The perks of being a vampire don't really mean much to me and transforming to a vampire lord, while interesting, doesn't really hold any appeal for me either. What does appeal to me however is the appearance of the vampires. The whole glowing eyes and fangs thing. I let my Argonian be transformed into a vampire during one of the Dawnguard quests to try it out and like the appearance but not the rest.


I've found mods out there to make your vampire character look normal but cannot find one to make your normal character look like a vampire. I've also found some that give you an equip-able item, like a ring, that gives you the ability to transform to a vampire lord without being a vampire but they didn't give the appearance of one.


Was wondering if someone could help me out on this. Hopefully I'm not the only one who thinks vampires look cool but don't want to be one. Perhaps point me in the right direction in Creation Kit, I'm not afraid to try some stuff in there but I don't know where to look.

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