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Mod Idea: Ant Queen Pheromones


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Hi had an idea about the ant queens pheromones. This item just gives you some stat boosts and minuses but i thought that it would work differently when i got it in the game the first time.


I thought that if you possessed or ate the ant queens pheromones you would even temporally befriend or attract ants.


Sounds simple right i mean what else would pheromones do?


So i looked at the item in the geak and thought that in the item effects i could add one of three mods to the pheromones.


1: Add ally to the ants faction for 10 minutes


2: Add ally to the ants faction permanently as a perk (like animal friend but with ants)


3: Make different pheromones for the different ants factions and each time you eat a different factions pheromones you became ally with that faction and become enemy with the rest.


Well? Anyone else want to have a go with it?


Ill try it later but new to modding but i don't like to see a good idea go to waste.



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