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The Buildings black box problem


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Greetings Scribes ,Elders ,Wastelanders and inhabitants of the wastelands.


I have just come across a Scribe that have solved the issue of allways being living alone, in the stray forts/bunkers/buildings.

And i have also seen many scribes in the different research files we "Dagger squad" have come across in the wastelands,

creating wonderful Interiors for their homes.


I agree we are all different , some are loners, some like to have some with them on their journeys.

Some even recruits a huge group to fill out everyones needs and to have all the expertise required to survive out there.


"Scribe FutureVisions" came up with a way to live with them.

Not only in the Megaton or Tenpenney tower.

He found the means to sort out the probs many of you scribes had/have.

Here is hes work:http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1453


Maybe im not supposed to inform you of this ..but i feel its my duty as a Paladin

Ask him what he did ..maybe it will help you on the path to greatness



Paladin Solo signing off..

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