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Moving dialog from spouse doenst show up


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Hi everybody,


I recently started a new character, and I wantend to marry Ysolda. Everything went fine so far, so I speak to her after the wedding to decide where to live.

I first said, we should move to her place, so I could avoid the lovers comfort bug. After that, I wanted her to move to Breezehome.

The problem is, the dialog-option doesnt show up.

I tried marrying another NPC, but the same problem appears.


If I try that with another of my characters, everything went fine, even with Ysolda.


Is there any way to fix this?

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It sounds as though a mod has conflicted with that save, probably a mod that alters marriage/followers/Ysolda herself. If you can think of any mod that you have which alters those either uninstall it or re-install to see if that fixes the problem.


Failing that you could try making an override .esp file to reestablish all the necessary information for marriage and load this last in your load order.


To make an override .esp:


make a blank .esp file in the creation kit, just open it, load files, then save.


Use TESEDIT to copy folders from Hearthfires.esm into your new .esp as a deep override (the file you are copying to needs to be lower in the load order than the one you are copying from).

I don't have this problem so I can't test it for you but I'd imagine the folders you would need to copy are- Dialog Topic & Branch & View, Non-Player Character, Quest, Relationship, Story Manager Branch & Event & Quest.

This is a bit over the top but I don't know specifically where the problem would be, try them one at a time if you like.


Lastly you could try re-compliling all the HearthFire scripts. Keep in mind this will probably break any mod which alters any of them, and therefore completely balls up your save.


To do that BACKUP your whole scripts folder, open the Source folder and clear all the loose files, extract the Hearthfire folder into the Source, open the Creation Kit (you don't need to load any files just open it) then click Gameplay- Compile Papyrus Scripts. ------------- Use this at your own risk though, you will probably fix this one problem and be left with another dozen to fix.

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I doubt it has anything to do with mods, the other characters I play didnt have these problems, and I didnt changed any mods since I started with them. I already tried to deactivat all my mods, but the problem stay.


I would like to try the thing with the override .esp, but I have a few questions first (sorry if this sound noobish, im pretty new to the whole modding thing^^)

What is "TESEDIT" and where can I find it? I searched on the nexus and on google but didnt really find anything to download.

How do I move the override.esp to load it last in the load order? Im using a program called "BOSS" at the moment, but it seems to make this things automatically.



[edit]: Ok, I think I figuerd it out already... So I did this deep override thing, and as it finished, there appears this message in the left log:

"Error while copying GRUP Top "SMBN": [010162A0] <Error: Could not be resolved>"

Is this bad? It just showed up, nothing more, I can save the new .esp nevertheless.

Edited by diiter
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"Error while copying GRUP Top "SMBN": [010162A0] <Error: Could not be resolved>"

Is this bad? It just showed up, nothing more, I can save the new .esp nevertheless.


SMBN refers to the 'Story Manager Branch Node' group, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I've looked through my folders and can find anything with that form ID.


How do I move the override.esp to load it last in the load order? Im using a program called "BOSS" at the moment, but it seems to make this things automatically.


I don't use BOSS myself, with most mod managers you can just click and drag the .esp file to the bottom. If there isn't a facility for that with BOSS either disable it and use NMM, or alter it manually:


go to C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Local\Skyrim, open the load order .txt file and move your newly created file to the bottom of that list. Use ctrl+f to find it if your list is long, remember to delete the original when you move it. <-- this should work although I've never had to use it myself.

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