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Creating New Perks in the Geck


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So I want to make new perks and traits in the GECK. I heard something to the effect that Skills are hard coded. Does this mean that creating new skills is not possible? Can anyone explain to me exactly what hard coding does, as it pertain to the Geck? Also if anyone has other information about creating new perks or modifying old ones, it is welcomed. Thanks
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Perks != Skills.


Skills are things like Small Guns, Sneak, Barter, etc. You won't be able to change those because those skills and their effects are written into the game engine itself, so modifying them or adding new ones would require lots of code modification and bug testing. (The SDK doesn't allow this level of modification, although there are a few things that can be changed by bit twiddling.)


Perks are the things you choose at each level, many of them modify Skills that are already in the game. Lots of people have created new Perks, even before the release of GECK. So if you want to make a new Perk, you should be able to do so.

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