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Creation Kit Help Needed - Enchanting


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Hello everyone,


I'm new to modding and wanted to start with something relatively simple that would change how magic works slightly by modifying the enchants. I've always been a little bit irked by the fact that the only way to improve magic through enchanting was to reduce its cost, and found base spell damage to be underwhelming but compensated for by having the ability to completely ignore the resource cost. At first I considered simply changing all the Fortify [magic type] enchantments (excluding robes) to use the alchemy fortify effects instead, but found that A) brought the damage up a little too high, and B) made it to where there was no way to get the spells to cost reasonable amounts, and it became not worth casting spells higher than adept levels. So, I tried going with a compromise. For each fortify effect, I altered them so that 2/5 of their normal value was in cost reduction, and the remaining 3/5 was in increasing their effectiveness. So, for example, instead of a top tier destruction enchant decreasing the cost of destruction spells by 25%, it would decrease the cost by 10% and increase the damage by 15%.


This worked great for what I was personally aiming for, until I tried enchanting my own gear. I had modified the EnchArmorFortifyDestructionBase to have a magnitude of 3.2 for cost reduction and 4.8 for damage increase, but when I enchant an item, no matter what skill level or soul gem I use, I get 3.2% cost reduction. The damage increase scales just fine with my skill, but I will end up with awkward items that decrease cost by 3.2% and increase damage by 15%. Is there a way in the creation kit to make both effects in a single base enchantment scale with the enchanter's skill? Thanks in advance!

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  • 3 months later...

I also want to know this. I've been poking around with enchantments in the CK trying to make the system a little more interesting, but this has so far eluded me. It would also be great if you could fix the vanilla robe enchantments ("fortify destruction and magicka regen") so the magicka regen scales, otherwise they're basically useless.

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