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Nifskope question


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Does anyone know how to combine 2 mesh files into 1 nif file? Here's what I'm trying to do...


I want to take the boots_0.nif file and the legging part of another cuirass_0.nif into a single boot file...giving my character a thigh high boot look without having to use the body armor mod. I pull up the boot_0.nif into Nifskope. I pull up the cuirass_0.nif in another Nifskope box. They are of the same parent node so I can copy one to the other. I select the legging part of the cuirass file...right click...copy branch. Then I select the parent node in the other Nifskope box, with the boot.nif file...right click...paste branch. The obj. shows up in the Nifskope screen, but when I play the game it doesn't show. I know there must be someway to make it tell Nifskope that the new object is the "new" boot.nif file, but I'm missing a step somewhere.

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