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Why is this one bush glowing with ENB and any way to fix this?


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Made the screenshot without mods, but all my Flora overhauls don't help either. I can adjust the lighting values and everything gets darker accordingly except this one bush model that's all over the place. Also got bGrassPointLighting=0, if it makes a difference. Turning off adaptation mitigates the glow but it's still visibly brighter than anything else. Is this a common problem? Any known fixes? I'm using latest ENB with this as a base preset (without NVGE):





Edit: It also still glows slightly when Original Objects Processing is turned on so this bush seems to react weird to some part of post processing.


Edit2: Turns out speed trees (.spt) are entirely unaffected by ENB lighting changes, what a fun quirk. They don't even look so good so to save my sanity I just disabled them with:



If anyone has an actual fix, that would be an awesome job but I doubt that there is one.

Edited by Owrocc
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