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Shocking meele weapons?


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Hey guys, i was just wondering if any of you were in the mood to make a little weapon for me. The idea is something like this:


Now, i know what you must be thinking: "Another anime guy who wants to turn his charcter into a cosplayer with dual weapons"

Well, just forget the anime style. I used that pic because it was the closest thing to what i was looking for. And forget the dual thing, i know it was requested far too many times, so no.

What i really want is a shocking stick with a generator on the back of the character. I`m trying to do a crazy scientist mod but modding weapons is not one of my strongest skills.

Thanks for passing by, See ya!

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Firstly, I think their is not a prob with anime cosplay lol


I will make that for you, I have quiet a few projects on the go at the moment, but it shouldn't take long. You'll have it within two days.







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