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JiubiIzeekk's Mod lots of Npc's new armor and a new city


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This mod adds allot of new Npc's Bards that play out side bandits that attacks towns also wolf packs that attack towns and citys. a new city with new armors. Dragon hunters that travel around all the different burial mounds and dragon areas in skyrim. adventurers that are found wandering skyrim. Bandits and wolfs will attack at random times (bandits usually on a set day)


This also adds a new building in windhelm in the grey quarter that has darkelf refugees and npc's that populate the grey quarter. also added water at the bottom which makes it seem like the filth is actually there.


Added priorys in solitude whiterun and windhelm of which house the towns Guard wife's. these wifes also goto the town and sandbox arround town and in the Baracks.


4 of the citys each have a shopper that visits whiterun in the weekend to do some shopping.


in each town adds a Npc that will either be a "war veteran" "Thief" "Spy" a "nudest"


i have started to add The companions family members Alea and Ria (alea Her father and brother live in falkreath) (and ria's mother lives just outside of the battle born farm.)


i have added a few talos worshipers at some shrines around skyrim but i need help to find the rest of the unmarked shrines.


added mehruns worshipers at his shrine.


added a courier depot at solitude near the tower. (black foot courier depot)


The download is here: not on the nexus as of yet.



Edited by jiubiizeekk
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