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shafalabaz - BANNED

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shafalabaz banned.




Reason for the ban

His first post was seeking help on converting assets from another game, and mentioning another site which is not allowed here. After the topic was locked, user posted a new topic mentioning a different mod, and insulting the moderator. User does not seem to understand that both topics were locked for the same reason because what was being asked was not allowed here. Even after everything was explained in the second thread, user continued to protest in PMs, insulting me numerous times and got the author of that second mod involved in an attempt to pressure me under false pretenses. After being told to drop it, he continued with further insult. Every action taken by this user has suggested a hostile attitude and little interest in working within this community. User was given several attempts to change his tone, and took none of them.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Member was reinstated after appeal was made.


Member was issued 2 formal warnings for their misconduct prior to the ban.


Requesting information which is not allowed on this site:



Hostility towards staff:




Account used to contact staff has been banned as it is no longer needed.


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