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Which of my mods cause bloating?


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Ok, I Played a bit.


And I saw this:


6.500 kb (first save) inside the bannered mare

7.200 kb in whiterun

7.180 kb outside whiterun

7.300 kb fighting giants

7.200 kb done with giants

7.156 kb after that.


Is this good?


I didn't changed ugrid


and I disabled xfire in the background

Edited by hedevil24
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Xfire,uGrid,background apps,etc won't cause bloat but could be a cause of stuttering lag and CTDs.Just trying to see if it's something other than save or game related.I would defrag the pc jsut to make sure it's not making very fragmented saves which can cause issues also.Just play,if you keep having issues,maybe disable some mods that put more graphics in the game.Stuttering in game is not save issue,but CTDs and slow loads can be caused when saving or loading bad saves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I cant play with my old saves again. (after a lot of mod changes) but I can load one (small) save of this character. and when i started it up and saved. the savefile decreased from 12000 kb to 10200 kb. I haven't encountered any lagspike. (which I had a lot with other saves of this character: savefile around 30000 kb, big bloat). So I installed dragonborn and the save increased from 10200 to 10800 kb. Is it save to play with this save without being afraid its going to have lagspikes later on?

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