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Voice Actors/Actresses needed!


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Hello, everybody of the Skyrim Nexus!


I post today in the search of voice actors. There is a series of mods (five episodes) in development, the first two have already been released and the third episode is in development right now - but it needs more voice acting! Anybody who can act at least one female voice (the male voices have been fulfilled) is eligible to join the development. Even if you don't think you're a good voice actor, you can still try by using your natural voice.

I am also a voice actor and actor, but I kinda suck at female voices compared to what the other female voices are like on the mod. However, since I have a desire to see this awesome mod live long and prosper, I've taken it upon myself to be the guy to handle the voice actors and voice actresses.


Not sure about if you want to be a part of it? You can play this series of vast, adventurous quest mods right here. Don't let the name fool you; it is indeed a quest mod, containing an epic story of:

  • Perilous travels
  • Interesting character concepts and depths, interactive moments with these characters
  • Optional scenes and implications of a sexual nature
  • Assassinations, murders and fantastic warfare as you learn more about the battle between Project Purity and Serenity's Sirens
  • The history of a cataclysmic turn of events

If you've made your decision that you want to help out in building this mod, please send me a PM on the forums and please bump this thread, so it stays on the front page, with a message of your own. Then we can begin the process of getting auditions, trading dialogue lines, helping each other and getting places filled.


Reasons you should join:

  • Build a reputation on this forums (or further into the internet and real life) for yourself as a voice actor/actress
  • Build experience in your work as a voice actor/actress
  • Become part of a mod that many people, perhaps including yourself, will play
  • Feel like you really made a big help in the development of something; and made a big help in the development of a game we all love to play
  • Other modders reading this thread and this mod's credits page (located on "Actions" on the download page) might call upon your services as a voice actor/actress


  • The possession and use of a microphone that functions correctly, is clear, little to no unnecessary background sound, etc
  • The ability to actually act as to make your voice coincide with an emotion
  • The ability to speak
  • The ability to mimic an accent, if necessary

You can record your files on audacity or any other audio recording program, save as mono at 44100 Hz and extract into .wav format. If desired, you can also upload them straight to dropbox, soundcloud or any other media hosting/streaming website and post them into this thread.


tl;dr: Just in case you were lazy in reading all of that, here is the mod. PM me and please bump this thread if you want to take part.

Edited by jackattack91
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