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Voice Actors/Actresses needed!


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If you're still looking, I would love to volunteer.

I'm not sure if I have the best recording equipment, but I do have a decent microphone and a quiet area to use it in (:


I can do a British-accent (at least I think I can- you never can tell unless you're British, I suppose) but I'm a Chicagoan so that's my normal voice. I think I can immitate that female Dark elf voice in Skyrim pretty well, too, but it is different, seeing as how I'm a different person.


I can speak and act. I do theater in real life (not professionally).


But let me know if you're still interested in people to voice act!


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If there is still an opportunity I would love to be a part of this. No, I am not a female but I can disguise my voice as a female. I am also a great singer with almost a full tenor range, and a full alto, and soprano range that extends all the way to high C. I spend a lot of time playing video games and admire how well voice actors do their job and I would love to give it a shot. I can do a young adult female voice, and children voices. I would really love it if you could reply to me as soon as possible.

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