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Gauldurs Explosion


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At the end of forbidden legend, Gauldur appears and uses a nova spell to destroy his 3 sons. The spell, as I am sure you know, had an orange fire core, that burst out into purple flame like blast, and at the vary end of the blast radius, was dark to light blue.


Is there a mod for this spell? Is the spell already in game (I would assume so, it was used) and if so, what is its name?


If none of those, any chance a bright minded mod savvy hipster could create it?

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I don't remember exactly, but was it maybe those expert - master level restoration spells? Bane of the undead or so.


Ha! I hear if you sleep with an ex 3 times they become a triple X, which is supposed to be a good thing somehow :)


If you make it, make it as you will. Is it possible to create a spell (or power) that does a bit of healing, damage, and knockback? That would be interesting. I personally thought it was fantastic looking, and would be a great gateway to some cool spell mods for others as well.

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I don't remember exactly, but was it maybe those expert - master level restoration spells? Bane of the undead or so.


Ha! I hear if you sleep with an ex 3 times they become a triple X, which is supposed to be a good thing somehow :)


If you make it, make it as you will. Is it possible to create a spell (or power) that does a bit of healing, damage, and knockback? That would be interesting. I personally thought it was fantastic looking, and would be a great gateway to some cool spell mods for others as well.


Possible all 3 elemental damages? I dunno.

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Okay, so I just watched a video of the fight. The spell that killed them was bane of the undead, just blue. The spell to craft the key was more colorful, with orange center and blue flame nova effect, but I was wrong about the purple. I wish for orange core, purple inner nova fading to outer blue, if that is possible.


I am always up to learning how if anyone knows a good link or can give detailed descriptions :)

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