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TSC Quest Request


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Anyone remember the MZC crew mod done by Nylonathathep? He's making a comeback now BTW. I think he's picking up the Fallout 3 story.


Anyhew he been kind enough to make an embassy in New Vegas. There are two people on the top floor Counselors, one for commerce and the other for something I can't remember right now. I'm not looking for anything major I'm just wondering if someone feels like whipping up a few little quest here and there. I dunno rescuing downed Valkyrie pilot, aiding some TSC marines fight off a particular Brotherhood of Steel chapter that doesn't like the TSC. Whatever strikes your fancy really. Either that or the recruiter at the embassy can give you missions and what not.


Just a random thought. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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The only other mod for the TSC in NV is http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43816 .


Most MZC crew mods will get done for fallout 3 as the main mod as most of the resources we need is included in that game and the main mod is set there


EDIT: there is also this TSC mod http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/47423

Edited by flamenx01
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Thank you for taking the time to reply.


Right. I remember Nylonathathep being the main author for the stuff in FO3.


I see what you mean about the resources being fallout 3.


However the embassy that he placed here as kind of a thing to draw interest for his Fallout 3 work and to keep his fans happy. Has some resources that may be useful i.e Marine uniform, weapon, TSC Officer uniform weapon. I was thinking about some small quest that shouldn't interfere with his main work.


Also this mod contains some resources as well. Nothing major and on the scope of the original work. But it would add to the ruggedness of the game. Its the Mojave outpost. Its not a forward operating base. After all there are three wolves fighting over Hoover Dam. If the TSC were to take any action at all in the region it would simply be there for observation purposes and to establish a presence. It has all the resources it needs so it wouldn't care about about the dam. (for now anyway)


So any military action that would happen there shouldn't be on a major scale compared to operations that took place in D.C. At best defending a camp or two from some fiends or powder gang members would be all that would be done. You know policing actions. Or some rescue missions here and there. Nothing that would require a ton of resources from MZC and nothing that would have a major affect on the main storyline itself.


That's how I kind of view the embassy in the Mojave. Just an observation thing and recruiting center.


Once again thank you.

Edited by Skyviper086
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