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New Modder- Needing Assistance


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I'm new to the forums here, it is actually my first post. So here it is, i am looking for someone's help. I am an experienced graphic designer and a new 3-D designer. I have been trying to create mods for sometime, in particular armor mods. I have created mods and its becoming quite difficult. I am attempting to teach myself and there is very few resources (guides is to what i am referring) that can help me. I just need some help, i am an art major and have plenty of mod ideas. I can even execute and create them, i just need help getting them to work. I know you were all noobs once too, i just need some help to anyone that is willing. Maybe i just do not know where i can find these guides, because again i am new to the forums, just some help please. Edited by joshsikora
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I'm no expert at designing , but I have some ideas where you could learn to create mods .


1: You could find the highly endorsed armor mods , contact the authors and ask for help

2: Honestly , I googled some tutorials on armor modifying but mines the more simpler ones , like adding transparency to modded armors

3: I think nexus has tutorials , but google is still the best choice

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Some experience 3D artists should be a long shortly to point you in the right direction :thumbsup:


If they don't show, try contacting a respected mod author who's released a quality product you may like. In fact I'll see if Cabal has any suggestions for you.

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hi josh... if u're used to work on 3d and stuff you will not need my help about textures creation for sure... but if you have some doubt about how importing properly things ingame and need some tricks for the engine feel free to contact me
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