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Weapon Retex/Remodels


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Hi all.


I've been going nuts recently finding good retextures for my armor sets.. Now I've just about finished doing that, I am now looking for weapons.


I just think the vanilla version of the Skyrim weaponry lack a lot of creativity. At least when you compare it to Morrowind and Oblivion, and I honestly think that Bethesda cut a lot of corners in regards to how weapons look.



Iron and Steel are slightly different in shades in terms of texture and colour. The only real changes start to happen with the Elven, Glass, Ebony and Daedric. The Elven stuff isn't as good as it was in Oblivion (Certainly not as Shiny) Dwarvern was just as boring design, but slightly shinier.


Ebony was a definite downgrade from it's predecessors and lacked a bit of creativity (Including missing the golden textures on the weapons (I'm sorting ebony out)


Daedric.. Well.. This design has fluctuated heavily between games and is probably the best designed out of all of the weapons in the game; but the texture quality isn't what I had expected.



Now my request:-


Does anybody know of any weapon mods at all, which are high quality replacer and/or retexture of the vanilla weapons? I have seen a lot of outstanding armor replacers but nothing in regards to weapons (even externally off this site)



If anybody can post any suggestions of "Hi-Rez" weapon retextures or replacers.. I'd be greatly appreciated (Rest assured I will look at them all) :)




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