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Very Annoying Controls Issue.


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Ok,so I finally sucked up my hatred of steam and bought skyrim.After several hours (due to update/my slow internet) I started playing with no issues.


Anyway,I quickly realized i absolutely cannot dual wield,I tried everything i can think of (Reset controls,Change controls,Restarting the game) yet nothing worked.


Yes,Im sure Im pressing the right buttons.


I was wondering if anyone was experiencing this,and if so,do you know how to fix it?


Cause now im at the point of: :wallbash:

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Ok,so I finally sucked up my hatred of steam and bought skyrim.After several hours (due to update/my slow internet) I started playing with no issues.


Anyway,I quickly realized i absolutely cannot dual wield,I tried everything i can think of (Reset controls,Change controls,Restarting the game) yet nothing worked.


Yes,Im sure Im pressing the right buttons.


I was wondering if anyone was experiencing this,and if so,do you know how to fix it?


Cause now im at the point of: :wallbash:


What's actually happening? "Cannot" isn't very descriptive. You can't equip two weapons? You need to have two one-handed weapons in your inventory (sword, dagger, waraxe, or mace). Right-click one, and left-click the other, and they will equip in the corresponding positions.

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Im aware of that,basically what i mean is,So your right equip key is LeftMouseButton and leftt equip is RightMouseButton.


If i press button to equip it to left,it equips to right.If i press button for right,it still equips it to right.


I can only get it to equip to one side or the other,never both.


Ive tried it with scimitars and steel swords.I have the same issue with spells too.

Edited by LunaxTec
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Im aware of that,basically what i mean is,So your right equip key is LeftMouseButton and leftt equip is RightMouseButton.


If i press button to equip it to left,it equips to right.If i press button for right,it still equips it to right.


I can only get it to equip to one side or the other,never both.


Ive tried it with scimitars and steel swords.I have the same issue with spells too.


And you're doing it from the full inventory menu? There can be problems doing it through the favorites menu. Anyway, you might try SkyUI if you aren't already. It's definitely a must-have mod, and I dunno if they've fixed any issues like that one, but it's worth a download.

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