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Skyrim Wow Mod - We need Help!


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I played all five Warcraft games, loved them. (Count the expansions as their own separate games.) I enjoyed them. I suck at creation kit though. TT But I would love to see it finished. My microphone is crappy so I won't offer to voice act. Keep it up, though. I hope to join a faction and fight along side the orcs or the Alliance on one of my play throughs!

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I was browsing for mods that created WoW armor appropriate for my Draenei race that I could convert, but I just wanted to let you know that you have my permission to use my race in your mod if you want: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52059/?


Unfortunately, because of the lower leg section being not straight (like the Draenei are in WoW), and the hooves, most armor doesn't work right with the race (legs normalize when boots are equipped). I made a partial fix by adding hoof "armor", but any armor that adds pats bellow the knee will have floating sections.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Ulithium, we had already found an earlier Draenei race but werén't given permission to use it. This would really help us out in creating all the races. Tauren, Gnomes, Dwarves and Trolls are still going to be a problem though.


If anyone is interested to help us develop the mod, we are more than glad to accept anyone who wants to help.

We are most in need of world/dungeon designers, people who want to write dialogues for characters, quest creators, modelers and people who can help convert my models to working skyrim objects.


Please contact me on Steam (Username: Hellscreamy) or here on Nexus.

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  • 2 months later...

If you still need help with trailer making- maybe I can help out.

I never actually played WoW (only 1 privet server long ago), but it won't be a problem I can study about it if needed.


For background experience i studied cinematography at high school and our movie won a 3rd place in a national competition

I work with Premiere pro cs4 and i'll find a screen recorder compatible with skyrim, it won't be a problem.


Message me if you're still looking for someone like me :)

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I am in the same camp as most of the other responders. I'm afraid I am less than useless when it comes to helping with the nuts and bolts like textures, construction, and etc.


I played in Vanilla and still play WoW to this day. Obviously, I also play Skyrim.


One of my biggest complaints about Skyrim is it lacks that adventurous atmosphere of a colourful, living world. Arena through to Oblivion had it, but something about it is missing in Skyrim. Realistic weight, (relatively) physics, and graphics are great, but if you can't bring that world to life, you've made a mistake somewhere.


If you would have more help, all I can offer is being a lore reference and maybe voice acting.


This is one of the greatest mods I've encountered. It simply must be realized in full.


EDIT: Looking back, I saw help is needed with questing. That I can totally help with as well.

Edited by TFMelinosky
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  • 5 weeks later...

I think we should check out this thread more often, sorry for that.


With the release of version 0.1 Alpha we want to show you our current progress with the mod. Help is still very much needed in every area, including work outside of the Creation Kit such as writing lore books and quests.

Edited by Hellscreamy
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  • 1 month later...

Hey there Azeroth in Skyrim Development Team! Love your mod. In fact I love it so much I created a blog to review this mod and mods like yours which do not see nearly enough attention for how good they are. Hopefully once I spread my blog around Nexus and other community sites more attention will be brought to the mod. So you can have the help and cheering fans your hard work deserves!


Link to the blog below:



(Note- Because your mod is so large I have to split the review into a four to six part series)

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Wowt thats awesome, I absolutely love the way its written! Really witty, so thank you for that! The only thing I emphasize is its very very pre-alpha state, there are more glitches than key combinations ;)

If you have any suggestions yourself after having reviewd the mod, please by all means send them to us!


I've already spotted a few issues from your screen pictures that I need to deal with! ;)



Again, thank you, I look forward to reading the rest! :D

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  • 2 months later...

CelziuZ I am currently working on a mod that will add NAXXRAMAS into the game. I made a thread describing it, please have a look. I could really use a hand either with advice or with help importing armour textures / navmeshing and scripting. You can have a look at screenshots on my Nexus Mods profile. :smile:

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