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First Person View High Quality Textures Mod?


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I have over 100 mods installed, almost all of the HD and texture mods that are recommended. However, I cant seem to find any mods the rework the first person view like when you are using magic and have a shield up or can see your hands.


The quality is very low compared to the rest of the textures around me.


Is there a mod out there that improves this first person view quality?


I thought I found one, it's a slight improvement over original but still pretty bad compared to how beautiful everything else looks.

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Can anyone at least answer why the textures in First Person look so pixelated? Besides the Weapons?


System specs? What resolution using when playing?

Are you using any body replacers/ textures?


Here's a pic for reference (if you look at the image quality of the bracers/gauntlets it just looks terrible - hands too even with a retexture):







Intel Core i5 2500K @4.8GHz

8GB Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz

Gigabyte Windforce GTX 670

coreclock: 1300 MHz

memoryclock: 6488 MHz


Playing at 1920x1080


I have over 100 mods installed + ENB, many of them are textures. Everything looks amazing except the first person view which I don't understand. I have all the graphics maxed out. I can post config if needed. Thing that doesn't make sense is the weapons look fine in first person. Just hands, armor like gauntlets, arms, even shield.

Edited by bigstroonz
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The textures are the same in first person as they are in third. There is no special texture used. whatever that is you are using for the bracers is definatly not a real HD texture, probably one that was doubled in size and a filter run over it. Hard to really tell with the ENB making everything slightly blured and dreamy like but you can see pixelation especialy on the buckle on the left forearm. Part of the problem I can see is everything infront of your face in that image is slightly bleached out, then you have to realize that the closer you get to the model the worse it will look texture wise, take that door for example. looks good from that distance but run into it then stop and look at it... Yeah bufugly door then. you say swords look good but shields do not. please give a screenshot of those together with no enb and then with enb.
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The textures are the same in first person as they are in third. There is no special texture used. whatever that is you are using for the bracers is definatly not a real HD texture, probably one that was doubled in size and a filter run over it. Hard to really tell with the ENB making everything slightly blured and dreamy like but you can see pixelation especialy on the buckle on the left forearm. Part of the problem I can see is everything infront of your face in that image is slightly bleached out, then you have to realize that the closer you get to the model the worse it will look texture wise, take that door for example. looks good from that distance but run into it then stop and look at it... Yeah bufugly door then. you say swords look good but shields do not. please give a screenshot of those together with no enb and then with enb.


As you requested:
















Shield actually doesn't look that bad, now that I look at it. Just looks like gauntlets, hands.

Edited by bigstroonz
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I know I saw one for the shields some time ago, and I think the book of silence would help with 1st person textures.


Installed book of silence, didn't change anything.


Any other ideas? I mean could someone just upload all their bracers/gauntlets/arms/hands textures for me?

Edited by bigstroonz
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