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Dwemer Android Race Request.


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Let me simple this. Up-gradable Dwemer robot in the shape of humans {Preferably Female if you know what I mean}. An upgrade station (A fancy Dwemer themed plate on the ground would do} in player homes {The ones you buy}. Upgrade chips {Made of ingots better then Dwemer to upgrade which metal it's made of. A color theme change as well would be nice}. Recipe could be an ring in Dwemer smithing which you place in a upgrade station. Something like 50 Dwemer Ingots and a Daedric Heart.


So on your list is now a


Upgrade Station which the Dwemeroid spawns and upgrades. {Would be nice if you made them stand like Mannequins.}

A recipe for a Dwemeroid Ring. {The expensive 50 Dwemer Ingots and a Daedric heart.}

The Dwemeroid itself. {A dwemer themed female, preferably with a robotic voice.[but Vocaloid could do the same]}

Upgrade Chips. Made from 10 ingots, increases damage and health and armor.


More notes - please stop already.

Can only open Dwemeroid inventory while its on the Upgrade Station.

Need to command the Dwemeroid to Use the upgrade station.

Menu for Dwemeroid Upgrade Station.

-Insert XXXXX Upgrade Chip. Opens a thing where it can tell if you have a chip, inserting it will increase armor, health and damage the Dwemeroid has. Also color theme will change to the chip type {Like Ebony or Daedric its up to you.}

XXXXX* Is what type of chip. Also don't let it downgrade. If it has a Daedric Chip it can't use a Ebony chip.

-Open Inventory. Opens its inventory if you let it pick up stuff. You can drop weapons and armor in it. {Let it wear armor}

- Set Mode.

Changes it for 2 Handed to 1 Handed or dual weld. Or archery. {Robots cant use magic, what kinda robot would it be if it could then?}

- Rename Dwemeroid. Changes the name simple.

- Reactive Dwemeroid.


When E the active Dwemeroid it goes to the command thing. It can Steal stuff & attack people without crimes on you.

If I think of anything else I add it.

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