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A Stable for my Horse


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Please make a Mod so Arvak isent counted as a Real Horse, because im using a whistle Mod, so whenever i Summon Arvak and Whistle for my Horse, the Game immediately thinks i got No Horse, even though its standing right there.


Please make a Script for them so we can Sell (None Stolen) Horses we find, including Shadowmere and Frost (if he is yours)

Make it for when we arrive at any of the 8 Cities and we get off the Horse, it should immediately walk to the Stable and stay there.

If i lost my Horse in the Wild or i forgot about it, then it should run after a Minute to the Nearest City Stable and wait for me until i fetch it again.

No matter if im in another town and now i take another Horse, my Previous Horse should always be at the Stable until i either Sell it or Kill it.


Please build Horse Stables with a Stable Guy for:
Dawnstar: Dark Elf
Falkreath: Redguard
Morthal: High Elf

Edited by daventry
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Hi Daventry,


I can't help with Arvak, but there is a couple of mods on TES Alliance (I'm pretty sure they're on steam too) that place your horse at a stable called Park Your Ride.

The same author has a mod called The Shady Nag which allows you to sell stolen horses and maybe keep them. (I'm unsure, I can't find the mod but it's mentioned in Park your Ride.


I already have a Redguard stable owner in Falkreath, and there's a high elf at Rorikstead. I wanted to do a dark elf stable owner, but the voice files don't exist.

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I have a feature planned for my HF Enhanced mod that will allow you to park your horse at HF Houses via steward dialog. I'm still struggling with compatibilities (whistle, summon) and for now I don't want to jump on SKSE only for this.

Track it if you wish but no other features you want will be there, except for selling your HF horses also via steward to make room for parking.

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