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First time modding - Need help


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I bought Skyrim through Steam, got the Skyrim Script Extender through Steam.

Got Vortex via Nexus Mods for Mod Management. Downloaded the following Mods successfully:


- Lovely Hairstyles CE

- EnhancedCharacterEdit

- EnhancedCharacterEdit - ECE Patch 159

- SG Female Eyebrows

- hdtHeighHeel_beta0_5

- Superior Lore Friendly Hair- HD Textures - All in one NMM Installer

- Witch Hunter Armor UNP LE


According to Vortex, all successully installed, and enabled.


When starting skyrim, I was expecting the character Creation options to have some of the modding but it looked completely like Vanilla version and I suspect, without downloading more Mods that the game hasn't picked up on the mods that I already have…


Anyone know what I might be missing??


Thankful for any advice seeing that this is the first time I have ever tried modding and feel very lost and just done the very basics above and hoped it would just work…




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