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Graphics were'nt all that good in horizons cause it was made in 2003 ... but the game itself was very involving for me every time I played it. From roleplaying in every imaginable way, to hunting with buds, and crafting with guilds... : http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a77/White_fang334/Horizons/horizons_1180562759.png









Make a contribution to your favorite game or most played game as well!

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lol its for everygame people loves, first 2 posters liked horizons alot, so... it went to horizons, but every game are subject to be listed here because it's giving kudos to them :D


Just a simple way to say they will be in our gaming memories :D

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Well for years later I loved a game I used to play on my Amiga called "Supremacy".


It had taken a place in my memory as one of the best games ever.


Well, I managed to dig up a version which will run on a PC a few months ago and umm, perhaps it was one of the best games ever way back when but it hadn't stood up to the test of time and technology. heh.


These days, Oblivion and Fallout 3 definitely make that list but it does make me wonder if, one day, I'll be thinking the same of them when we have our holo-decks, etc. ;)



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i do enjoy some of the older games like balders gate and Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 unreal tormament 3 takes the cake with me on FPSs


Edward Cullen

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I couldn't get into neverwinter nights, but I did get into Balders gate, it was fun at the time but after a week I stopped playing it. Unreal tournament I couldn't get into either for some reason, it was fast paced but lacked what I am used to. When I was playing unreal tournament it provided some fun times.


I like games that challenge me, and that are very interactive. I am still waiting for a good game that you can play as a wolf or werewolf. And no, I'm not talking about Castle Wolfenstein either -- lol. Big difference :D

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