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Newbie in need of assistance


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Hello everyone and thanks for viewing this in an attempt to help. I'm afraid I am quite new to Skyrim modding and this is failed attempt is my first at using Skyrim Nexus, I have previously just gotten the workshop mods. However, there are some brilliant creators and brilliant mods housed here so I thought I'd give it a go. I have installed the NMM successfully and downloaded a fair few mods. I've also successfully installed SKSE. Now, I have a about 40 or so mods that were installed via the workshop.

Question, Is that a problem, me having both Nexus and workshop mods. Or is it easier if I just choose one method and stick to that?.

Now, I have about 50 mods waiting in the NMM and I can't install them, when I do they all seem to have the same error. That being this http://puu.sh/1PiH3 For those who don't wish to click the link, it says "A problem occurred during install:

BOSS_API_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: "ash pile expiration.esp" cannot be found! The mod was not installed. The problem I am having is I don't have that mod anymore. I used to, but did a full Steam delete and unsubbed from all the mods. I have checked my Skyrim directory and Data folder which seems to hold the mod info. I can find absolutely nothing to do with ash pule expiration and I can't understand why this mod requires it to install?. As I said, I am new to this NMM and just cannot get my head round why it is needing other mods installed to install the actual one I want to.


Apologies for the "story of my life" but I wanted to try and get as much detail down as possible.

Thanks in advance to any who attempt to take on this challenge hehe

Apologies also if I am missing something blatantly obvious

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