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Companion seating... and a simple set of sniper poses


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1) Maybe I'm paranoid and hate having them all stanging behind me... Maybe I had a childhood where manners were ingrained into my being... Maybe I'm a stickler for immersion... But I can't stand that when I sit at a table (not often, but I do at times), I can't have my followers grab a seat nearby. Actually, I'd love to be able to have my squad fill up a booth in the Canterbury Commons diner, or line up along Moriarty's Bar (well... if it were still there) for a few drinks.


I know there are animation specialists out there, making robots do the charleston or Mr. Burke lay across his bed in Tenpenny Towers in provocative poses... Would it be possible to tell a companion to take a seat, and have them activate the closest chair/stool/bench nearby, until weapons are drawn, or you tell them to get off their *ss and get a move on?


2) I've had a few occasions where I'd love to get a good panaramic 360deg look at using a scoped weapon, but once you hit 'Block/Aim', you're looking through the scope. Would anyone have a set of standing and crouching poses for rifles, that can be console activated for use with scoped weapons?



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Perhaps with the script extender you could have bind a key to 'Attention' and 'At ease' functions. On attention your buddies would follow you around shoot stuff, and do whatever they normally do. When you set them 'at ease' they automatically go to the sandbox function and wander around, sit down, or use whatever other interaction objects are available.
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