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NMM work around!


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OK so I have been looking at everyone elses problems with NMM right now, even posts with a link to the "PROBLEM Q&A THREAD" and did all the numbers...........................still does not work!!!


So is it still safe, say, not to use NMM right now to download and install files, but maybe just to launch FONV? Maybe because you have NVSE and/or FONV4GB installed?


And FOMM...you can't log in to update FOMODS, but you can still look for conflicts and use the built in BOSS function that actually works...BOSS the stand alone just shows you the right sort order, FOMM BOSS actually fixes the sort order, but you can't use it to load FONV...something is making it go to error...


Oh and FONVEDIT...DO NOT ("DISABLE" "UNDELETE") OR ("DELETE IDENTICAL TO MASTER")...because if you think you can just go "Oh I'll go to the game properties in Steam and verify the files"...People are just trolling you....it will destroy your game!


I just use FONVEDIT to load my files, it also has a sort function...it will crash if your files are not in the right place...but...last few lines it will tell you, at just two files at a time, where these two files should be, either before or after one of them...


Now here it's safe to say you should right now load mods like this:


Manual install each mod -> Run through stand alone BOSS -> Then load up FOMM -> Check for new load order updates under the help menu -> check if Archive Invalidation is on, turn it off then on -> Check for conflicts -> BOSS auto sort, then check Sort report -> Close FOMM, load NMM -> Again check if Archive Invalidation is on, turn it off then on -> Then finally load the game through NVSE...should work...barely...


So my real question is, should you add things manually, then get NVSE and/or FONV4GBand run through them

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I'd also like to point out that NVSE does not really need to be launched through anything. So long as you have the nvse_steam_loader.dll file in your game directory, launching the game, even through steam, should activate NVSE.
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I'd also like to point out that NVSE does not really need to be launched through anything. So long as you have the nvse_steam_loader.dll file in your game directory, launching the game, even through steam, should activate NVSE.


But then how do you run NVSE with 4GBFONV?

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