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Fix spouse's eyes as a vampire (DG)


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I just got the vampire side of Dawnguard finished (after enjoying it very much) and was intrigued to find out that you can turn your spouse into a vampire with the quest called "The Gift". So you can guess my disappointment when after doing it my spouse has a somewhat bugged set of eyes which surely aren't the same as the normal Dawnguard vampires'.


So could anyone make a fix for it or know of one which exists already? My spouse is a modded version of Marcurio (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24462) if it matters.


Here's a comparison with Marcurio and Serana http://d.pr/i/D1TQ

.. a close-up on Marcurio http://d.pr/i/8DCG

.. and some "archeological digs" of the faces of both Marcurio and Serana http://d.pr/i/aFrQ


Quite interestingly Marcurio seems to have some sort of eyes but his "eyelids" (or something) appear to be completely shut. And yes, I did check that he wasn't just blinking when I froze the environment with tfc 1. I tried the disable-enable thing but it didn't work.


So does anyone have any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated :biggrin:

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