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Nord Portcullis large and Puzzle Pillars?!?!


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I'm having a small problem with setting the NorPortcullisLarge01. Whenever I try to set a lever etc as its parent it seems to work in the CK, but in game it doesn't work. I noticed in the CK that the line that signifies that two objects are linked is going from the lever to a little bit infront of the door. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


Also is there a way to activate several objects with a puzzle? I set it up with 4 Puzzle pillars > Lever > Xmarker > Trap linker > Several PortGatePole01 and another attempt with 4 Puzzle pillars > Lever > Xmarker > Several PortGatePole01 but neither work. I'm pretty sure I got all the scripts correct. I triple checked them and I followed the advice on the scripts from a decent YouTube Video.


Any help is appreciated. I'm fed up of hitting obstacles with the CK when it seems like what I'm trying to do should work.




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The puzzles are a *censored* to set up. I have set up 3 and every time I do it takes me 20 tries to get it set up right. I am guessing you are following this tutorial:



a few things to watch out for. No need to use the xMarkerActivator. You can just use a regular xMarker.


If you wan't to set up the gate poles do it like this:


Pillars>LinkRefed to lever


trap linker> has xmarker as activate parent


gateoples> have traplinker as activate parent.


in the lever script set the xMarker as the puzzleDoorActivator and the trap linker as the refActOnSuccess


that should work, also, biggest thing: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE PUZZLE SOLVED WHEN YOU TRY IT OUT


I can not tell you how many times I have tried to fix one of these and had the puzzle not solved *facepalm*

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One thing that nobody ever mentions anywhere, all the the pillars need to be spun once before they get registered when you load the game. If you have everything setup and its not working make sure none of them have the initial state and solve state as the same key. I had this problem for a long time and was pulling my hair out trying to figure it out.
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Thanks for the reply guys, got it working in the end. Think I found the problem too.


I set one pillar up to test it first, set up all the scripts etc. then I loaded it up in game and it worked. Back in the creation kit I Duplicated the pillar twice, and altered the scripts. This broke it I believe as the scripts seemed to still be running as the first one was. I fixed it by manually placing each pillar and setting the scripts after. Didn't figure out what was wrong with the portcullis, so I've just used a small one for the time being.

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