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Companion and house mod request


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I think all Whovians will agree, there needs to be some Doctor Who companions. So here'e my idea: A set of Doctor Who companions that use voice clips from the show, that you find in the TARDIS (Which becomes a movable player's home).


Here's what I'm thinking as far as what race each should be:


Rory: Imperial

Amy: Imperial

Rose: Nord

Donna: Breton

Martha: Redguard

Sarah Jane: Imperial

Clara Oswen Oswald: Nord

River Song: Imperial

Micky: Redguard


I haven't seen any of the classic Doctor Who series, but if anyone knows what race they would be good for, then please feel free to add them.


As far as the TARDIS, have it so when you use the console, it brings up a menu like the carriage menu to travel to different locations. I think it would be somewhat easy, but I could be mistaken. I think it could be done by having multiple TARDIS (one in each location that you can travel to via the TARDIS Console) all but one is disabled. When a new location is selected, the enabled TARDIS is disabled, and the one in the location you want to go to is enabled. At the same time, the door leaving the TARDIS is disabled, and the one corresponding to the selected location is enable so that when you exit, you are in the area that you wanted to go to. Of course, when you leave the menu, the player controls get disabled while the TARDIS engines fire up and the whole place shakes. Then after a few seconds, the engines stop, and player controls get enabled.


Maybe make 2 versions of the mod, one where Amy and Rory have the last name Pond, and one where their last name is Williams. Just because I know some people might want them to have the name Williams.


Oh, and one last note. Please make sure the swimming pool is in the library...

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