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Dragon-born Valley


Dragon-born Valley  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. For mod or against mot

  2. 2. Features You would like in Mod

    • Upgrade City/Castle (hearth fire)
    • Invite Guilds/Factions to city
    • Invasion Mode (a faction, race, Monster attacks)
    • Jarls Treaty's (Assassinations, Battles, Alliances, Trade)
    • Valley Side Quests
    • Bounty Hunting
    • More Follower
    • tobacco Pipes
    • Multiple quests
    • a few player homes and bussnesses

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I would love to see a mod with these things in it.


The main quest starts out with a anouncment at many of the city's that a caravan of settlers (mixed races) is heading out to a newly discovered valley. The caravan is looking for people to help out on this quest with either weapons or money. The Dragon-born hears about this and heads off to help. the Caravan Meets at the entrance to a cave or pass that leads to the valley.


the pass is a 10 to 30 min dungeon escort fighting basic cave monsters. They reach the other side and scout out the area to find a place to settle. the valley has river starting at a water fall that slowly heads out to a small beach surrounded by cliffs that would make for a good city/ castle deference. There is a forest and wide grass land area.through out the valley there are caves, dungeons, and some old long forgotten ruins.


At this stage the construction of the settlement requires materieals and the choice of two or three things to build/add of a Castle(player home), port, market,village, walls, barracks, towers, etc. may be to much but have it as simple as have to chose out of the designs. the overall constructions takes a number of in game days.


the Main quest goes on as allies and enemies are made of jarls, guilds/factions. the main quest has the creation of either a few new factions or one. the Dragon-Guard that take up arms for the city and its ruler the Dragon-born. they have custom armors and crest.




Captain of guards


similer to:

LC-Become King of Riverhelm


Deus Mons

The Secrets of Trade


may add more



Main quest- rise to rule and some after

Oblivion gate


invasions (first quest but after can be started by Dragon born anytime)

Bounty Hunting (as many times as you like reactivates with new one to catch)




This is the basic idea may edit later for more details or others Ideas. I have just started to learn how to mod so I will not be able to do this.

Edited by GruntLordRyan
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Feachers= Features XD




Sounds interesting, kind of like a mecernary management component. It would take up a lot resrouces though. I won't be one of the modders to do this though.

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