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possible civil war mod


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Okay, so every one had fun picking their side in the civil war, but now i think there needs to be a 3rd side. Jarl Balgruuf says that he should join the stormcloaks cause he owns his loyalty to skyrim and talos but the empire says that he should join them to unite skyrim to fight the thalmor so skyrim and the empire doesn't look weak. But now the dragon born can convince the Jarl, if they have a high speech, to pick neither side and choose to make his own army. And as you fight next to the Whiterun Guards to take over Skyrim you start to earn respect from people and the Jarl that at the end of the civil war the Moot meets in Whiterun to decide to see who should be HighKing and the moot picks you, the dragonborn. But you can decide not to and let Jarl Balgruuf become HighKing.


Durning the civil war quest for Whiterun you will still need to take forts to win the war but you most also take the cities them selves by attacking them with your fellow soldiers. Also at the end the Jarl of Whiterun gives you control of the Fort just northwest of the western watch tower as your own fort with your own mercenariness that do your bidding, change their armor, and be marriageable. And i know making it where they all can be one race but i would really like some one to do so cause i would like to have a Fort with just Khajiit Guards, (i know that they wouldn't have any voices unless someone had scripted some into it) but i would be grateful

Edited by TheCommanderOfThe101st
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Realistically this would not be possible as the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks are the only true organized forces (other than the Thalmor) with the capability to take and hold skyrim and any third party would most likely end up getting absorbed

pretty much this. The only two viable alternative sides I can see are the thalmor or alduin.

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