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Role playing ideas


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This topic will be all about different Roleplaying ideas.

Some of the best that I have found and ones I have made myself.

Hopefully some of these can help you with a new good play through and I would love it if you could contribute to this yourself.

I will be adding to this all the time.

Mind you though these are very in depth descriptions

If you want me to help you find a certain type of character just let me know and I'll do my best to help find it for you.


Post 1. My personal Favorite The Arcane Archer

2. The witch hunter

3. The Nemesis

Credit to DanMason




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The Arcane Archer


Arcane Archers are rangers that use missile based weaponry as conduits for their spellcraft. Versatility is perhaps an Arcane Archers major selling point, their base skillset of enchanting and archery is so incredibly potent that they can adopt many secondary skills to dominate anything that stands in their way.


Arcane Archers can do well in virtually any profession ranging from front line assailants, scouts, assassins or simply soldiers of fortune. Their amazing abilities allow them to integrate with any faction...




Race: Any.


Major Skills: Archery, Enchanting, Destuction, Light Armor.


Minor Skills: Speech.


Optional Skills: Sneak, Conjuration.


Stone: Lord.


Weapons: All marksman weaponry.


Armor: Mixed light armor.


Shouts: Become Etheral, Slow Time, Unrelenting Force, Marked for Death.




The Build


The concept of an arcane archer is nothing new; there is obviously a ton of potential in taking an average bow and imbuing it with powerful magic, but to comprehend what this character brings to the table you need to understand the basic weaknesses of pure archers and how to turn these weaknesses into strengths.


In my experience an archer needs just one thing to do exceptionally well...time.


When you consider the fact that even the humblest of bows imbued with minor frost damage is capable of slowing an enemy by 50% you begin to realise how devastating this character can be once they commit perks into archery. An archer with the ranger perk and a bow of frost is capable of outflanking the quickest of enemies, combine this with the fact that your attacks will be staggering 50% of the time and will render foes incapable of performing power attacks or sprinting and you have a cocktail for disaster.


Elemental cloaks are usually used for mild damage during combat, by taking the specialised elemental perks ‘Intense Flames’, 'Disintegrate' or ‘Deep Freeze’ Arcane Archers can ensure that weakened enemies that do draw near are either directly repelled, turned to ash or paralysed from cold.


When you play a character with two handed weapons or a bow you are already placing certain limitations on your build; they cannot use spells seamlessly during battle. This presents problems for an arcane archer; although their bows are primarily powered by enchanting they are bolstered significantly by destruction perks. Archers may also suffer from defence limitations, whatever armor skill they choose will not always develop fast enough to provide significant resistance against hard-hitters that stray too close or ranged attacks from enemy archers.


Enter the amazing ‘merchant’ perk. This easily obtained perk is the answer to so many build problems. How many times have you had 40+ enchanted iron daggers for sale with no place to go to unload them? What if we could unleash them all on a powerful trainer like Faralda in exchange for some expensive destruction training?


People (myself included) often say that the speech skill in Skyrim is completely useless. Sure, we could wait and level skills over time, but when are you ready to get on with playing your character?


For this build I just wanted to equip my bow(s) and wreak absolute chaos! In order to do this I didn’t want to go through the hassle of juggling spell craft during battle just to reach key perks. The way I see it all characters are merchants in their own right; this character is just an exceptionally good one and I was able to reclaim my lost speech perks from the points I saved in the destruction skill by not levelling it the traditional way.


Because Arcane Archers are so versatile they can be developed in several different ways, each playthrough guarantees a different experience.




The Bows


Time to take a look at what this character is really about; enchanted ranged weaponry. The extra effect perk can activate destruction augmentations to bind strong additional effects. The listed effects are created without the use of enchanting potions.


Bow of Burning Souls


Soul Trap


Fire Damage: 15 Points


Fiery soul trap is obviously a great enchantment for an entry level arcane archer. Expect to use this blow plenty during the rookie levels for harvesting souls. Augmented flames will give the effect a little boost.


Nexus Raper


Frost/Stamina Damage: 46


Fear: Level 37 (Level 46 for a vampiric archer)


This thing is absolutely beastly. Combining fear and frost means that enemies will be running away slower than usual; in tight dungeons there are few places to hide often forcing foes to run further into unexplored areas and alerting their friends, inviting them to come and join the party of the damned.


Combined with strong archery skills this bow is capable of reducing a bandit chief to a terrified crawl. 'Slow' becomes 'Stop'.


Flame Raper


Fire Damage: 46


Turn Undead: Level 37


This bow comes in very handy, plenty of undead to be purged in the various tombs of Skyrim. Draugr are already slow beasties and have a weakness to fire that should maximise this bows effectiveness.


Considering draugr deathlords range from levels 30 - 40 this bow allows the archer to sweep through even the most densely populated crypts.


Cruel Heart


Frost/Stamina Damage: 46


Absorb Health: 30


All absorption spell effects are increased by 50% when linked with an arcane archers chosen element. As a pure magical effect absorb health ignores elemental resistances and blesses the archer with stolen energy.


Absorb health is classed as a destruction spell effect and will therefore benefit from any existing cost reduction bound to armor.


It would be almost rude not to use this evil weapon.




Fire Damage: 69


Frost/Stamina Damage: 69


The arcane archers ultimate creation utilises all four of destructions augmentation perks to create a synergised energy weapon, an item that is in perfect harmony with its masters own abilities.


The combination of fire and frost means no dragon is safe from its awesome power.








The interesting thing about bows created with a fear or the turn undead effect is that they are strong no matter what difficulty you choose to play on. Although enemies encountered while playing on master difficulty hit harder and have more health they are still bound by their character level. This means that an Arcane Archer will ultimately dominate any difficulty they choose to play on.






So with the full weight of the merchant perk at our back we can refine our archers skills as we play, there is absolutely no reason to pass up on training 5 times every level if you really want to push for a specific perk. For my archer I visited these npc’s in the following order to literally build my character as I saw fit.


Revyn Sadri (Sadri’s Used Wears – Windhelm)


This chappie was my first mark. As a pawnbroker Revyn can already barter in any goods we see fit to sell him. After a quick inner-city miscellaneous quest Revyn will happily train us up to 50 in speech so we can unlock the merchant perk and dominate all other traders in Skyrim. As a new character I needed some seed money to get me started; I recommend two low level methods to create fast cash and leverage Revyn into disclosing the gift of the gab.


1. Blue Butterfly Wing & Blue Mountain Flower creates an expensive low level potion without needing to perk alchemy. These ingredients can easily be picked up in the areas surrounding Riverwood and Whiterun. Nice easy path for considerable gold at low levels.


2. Graywinter Watch just to the east of Whiterun holds Froki’s bow guarded by two trolls. The trolls will enter their usual fit of rage when you enter the cave but due to the cells unique design you can easily stroll past both of them grab the bow and walk out before they lay a finger on you. A risky tactic for a level 1 ‘dead is dead’ (RuneRed) player but the stamina damage enchantment is incredibly expensive and will provide a ton of early cash once disenchanted, we are after all creating a character that just buys filled soul gems without thinking.


Faralda (College of Winterhold - Winterhold)


Faralda is going to teach us destruction, for my character I wanted the deep freeze perk that requires a skill level of 60. The nice thing about Faralda is that she guards the entrance to the college fiercely, making her a quick stop for training between levels. Chuck your enchanted daggers or potions at her and you can be hitting 60 in destruction before level 20 without casting a single jet of flames.




Grelka (Riften - Market)


So once destruction has reached its potential my next concern was defence, Grelka is an expert trainer in light armor and can happily train you up for the Wind Walker perk (an incredibly powerful perk for any archer skilled in steady hand). This npc just provides icing on the cake; an arcane archer is already capable of finishing most fights before they even get started. But its worth being prepared…

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Witch Hunter




Raised in the port city of Senchal, your parents’ lives were taken and their bodies sold to necromancers. You were only young then. There was nothing you could do to stop it.


Over the past decade, you have trained mind and body to prepare yourself. Mastering the ways of spell, bow and claw, you have successfully made a name for yourself as a renowned Witchhunter in your homeland of Elsweyr. You are ready. Ready to exact your revenge on those who destroyed your life when you were too weak to stop it.


You met with a contact only a few days ago, who brought you information about the necromancer you have been seeking. You’re told to head to the cold wastes of Skyrim. There you will finally have your revenge.


The Build


Race: Khajiit


Stone: Atronach – Especially helpful for someone who spends their life hunting evil mages.


Major skills: Archery, Destruction, Restoration


Minor skills: Sneak, Light Armor, Enchanting


Shouts: Fire breath, Slow time




Recommended Quests:


Collage of Winterhold: It will be useful to have a base in Skyrim and where better to hear rumours about magical activity than this place? It may also be of interest to keep an eye on the mages. Who knows when a power hungry young mage will succumb to the promise of dark power?


Dawnguard: You’ve had a few run-ins with the children of the night before. If they are threatening the people then who better than you to blast them back into whatever dark hole they crawled from?


Mainquest: Does the blood of Alkosh flow through the veins of the Witchhunter?


Dragonborn: A long dead dragon priest has returned. Whatever black magic is behind it, the Witchhunter will stop it.




The Witchhunter needs to be able to approach their prey silently. They begin engagements with stealth shots from one of their enchanted bows to do high damage quickly. They make their first shot count as they know they won’t get a second chance. They are stealthy enough to hide until they strike but they are no assassins. After their first strike they come out full force with powerful magic and razor sharp claws.




The Witchhunter uses the Atronach stone to absorb spells cast at them. Therefore it only makes sense to use that magicka up destroying dark mages and their ilk. Witchhunters specialise in fire and lightning magic. Lightning is highly effective against mages while fire fries the undead, and anything else unfortunate enough to cross the Witchhunter on a bad day. Restoration is used to make necromantic thralls useless and to keep high health at all times. Shouts are also mixed into combat with fire breath used to do high damage quickly, and slow time for the Witchhunter to close in and rip enemies apart with their claws.




Witchhunters are highly trained martial artists and prefer to fight with their claws in close quarters. Destruction magic plays its part here with cloaks helping to maximise unarmed damage along with their enchanted armour. The Witchhunter’s specialty in light armour keeps them light on their feet, but also gives them the vital protection they couldn’t go without.








The Combat Bestiary for the Aspiring Witchhunter


By Boden Rarayn


Hello young apprentices, I am renowned Witchhunter, Boden Rarayn. I have been honoured with many titles over the long years such as the saviour of Skingrad, the Destroyer of Worms etcetera, etcetera. But you haven’t begun to read this book for tales of my heroism. If that’s what you wanted, surely you could have gone to any tavern, pulled up a wench, and asked the bard to regale you in one of my many tales that have been composed by only the finest musicians in Tamriell. He would surely be spoilt for choice.


But alas my hunters of the dark, I should address the topic at hand. This short bestiary is for those of you who want to live long enough to kill whichever necromancer/vampire/deadra worshiper that wronged you at some point in the past and set you on this lonely path.


We will start with the basics. Any aspiring Witchhunter needs to start somewhere, and starting with an arch necromancer means finishing as another mindless thrall for their amusement.


Wolves, Sabercats and bears: These are fast moving targets, whose teeth and claws will kill you if you let them get close. Use your skill with the bow to start the engagement and fire relentlessly until they detect you. At this point, spells of fire become your best friend. For wolf packs, focus on shooting as many fireballs as possible, while lone bears and sabercats are more vulnerable to more powerful blasts that will stagger them. Hopefully the flames should scare the animals off giving you time to either flee or pull out your bow and finish them off.




Bandits: These men and women will be commonly encountered in your travels so make sure to always be prepared. Start engagements with sneak attacks from your bow and blast fireballs to even out the numbers advantage bandits so often have. When the numbers become more favourable, concentrate to slow down the world around you. Mask yourself in a flaming aura and close the distance, ripping men apart with your bare hands.


Spriggans: These creatures of nature can be quite difficult to put down. Often spriggans have an army of animal followers and it best to remove their threat first (See wolves/sabercats/bears). Once these are dealt with, it is best to close in on the spriggan while shooting fireballs in one hand and healing from the other. The atronach stone should help to counteract their health drain spell. Once in range, charge from fireballs to claws and destroy them with your superior close combat fighting.


Draugr: These warriors of old are common in necromancer strongholds but provide a threat of their own. Make good use of restoration magics and send these undead running from you in terror. From there you can destroy them with bow, magic or claw easily and make good use of Fire breath. Just remember to exploit the weakness their dry bones have to fire.


Trolls/Giants: These powerful enemies are no match for a seasoned Witchhunter. These monsters are too powerful to fight up close so ranged combat is a priority. Use your bow as much as possible until you are detected. At this point switch too fire magic and fire breath to finish the job.


Now that you know some basic skills for survival, you are now ready to hunt your prey.


Conjurers: These mages are able to summon monsters of Oblivion to fight at their side. The best tactic here is to close in quickly and go for the kill, sending any summons back to Oblivion. Start battle with a powerful sneak shot and then chargethe conjurer with time slowed down. Apply an elemental aura (any will do) and tear them apart with your hands.


Atronachs: Sometimes it is just not possible to get rid of atronachs in this manner. If it isn’t possible to banish them, here is how to deal with each one.


Flame- Powerful casters but weak up close. Close them quickly and tear them apart using an electric aura. Just remember to get well away from the fiery explosion that follows.


Frost- Powerful tanks who will win in a straight up fight. Strafe the target casting fireballs until he melts.


Storm- Well balanced fighters with no obvious weakness. Start combat with a sneak attack using your bow and then slow time to give yourself the advantage. Use fire magic from a range and blast them to Oblivion.


Fire/Frost/Lightning mages: These casters master a single element for combat use. These mages can be deadly in groups, so take out as many as possible with sneak shots until you are discovered. At this point slow time becomes a life saver and you can choose to blast them at range with electric magic, or close in with your lightning cloak and claws.


Hagravens: These dark witches make me sick. They are powerful casters and have deadly claws. Since the claws are the lesser of two evils use a bow to get their attention and then charge them under the effects of slow time. When you get in close don’t retreat and show no mercy!


Dremora: These are powerful enemies that should always be banished if possible. If not engage warriors with powerful spells and make use of your fire breath to slow his approach and ultimately kill him. Casters should be dealt with using slow time. This way you can close quickly and tear them apart.


Werewolves: Similar to the wild animals in the last section but taken to the extreme. Slow time is essential to even the playing field in terms of speed. Make good use of fire magic and avoid letting the beasts get too close. It is unlikely you will be able to sneak up on them so just focus on accurate spell casting.


Vampires: These blood suckers will often travel in groups making them difficult targets. Engage the group with a sneak shot to determine which is the most powerful and ultimately the leader. This Vamp will be able to raise the followers you kill so make sure to take them down first. Use restoration spells on their siblings of the night and their hounds of hell. Ignore any human thralls and slow time and use fire magic to destroy the leader (remember, if you get too close they could infect you with their dark disease). From here taking care of the rest using fire magic should be simple.


Necromancers: These monsters are your ultimate enemy. Scout the terrain to make note of any available corpses so you know where attack is likely to come from. For the whole engagement you should use lightning magic on all enemies to stop them being raised again. Initiate combat using a sneak shot from your bow and then charge in. cast spells from a distance and switch to your hands at close range. Let your fury take over as you tear their black heart out!


I do hope this bestiary will help you in your dream of aspiring to be like me and that my expertise is just as invaluable as it always has been. I have left a few blank pages at the end of this book for notes on any other creatures of the dark you happen to cross paths with.




Keep at a healthy distance


Focus on ranged magic and archery.


Identify element- Fire dragons= Lightning magic, Frost Dragons=Fire magic.


Dragon priests:


Fight using staves. Lightning magic is pointless use Fire.


Big help when you start combat with a sneak shot.


Weak up close but they move fast. Slow time can balance this out.




Patrol in threes. One Conjurer, two soldiers.


Take out the soldiers first using archery and magic.


Thalmor conjurers love storm thralls. Banish them


Slow time+ Sharp claws and lightning = Dead Thalmor mage.




Blind. Sneak attacks are a big advantage


Poisoned weapons. Keep distance using archery and destruction magic.




Powerful fangs. Keep well away with fire/lightning magic.


Poison spit. Be ready to dodge at any time.








Mage Bane


Lightning Damage + Banish


Mage bane is the Witchhunter’s favourite weapon, which is reserved for only the most powerful mages. This bow is deadly to spell casters and destroys their magicka reserves in a single hit. It also makes short work of any summoned Deadra they encounter.




Fire Damage + Fiery Soul Trap


The Witchhunter uses this bow against common bandits and other nuisances. The high fire damage makes short work of enemies and harvests their souls to recharge the Witchhunter’s weapons




Turn undead + Fire Damage


This bow is used when dealing with necromancers, vampires and draugr. The high fire damage, combined with turn undead makes these enemies run in flaming terror.





What makes this build unique?


Purposely avoiding high end perks to create a stronger overall character


Avoiding taking perks in certain skills helps the Witchhunter to become even stronger, and it avoids over-emphasis on one or two key skills. This means the Witchhunter is prepared for any situation, and can easily and comfortably adapt. One of the biggest bonuses of this set up is that the special moves feel that much more special.






I’ve decided to do something a bit different for this character’s roleplay. I’ll present to you a list of questions specific to this build; to help you roleplayers give it your own personality. I got the idea for this from Vix’s background question list, so if you want to develop your witchhunter further, that’s where you should head.


What kind of Witch hunter are you?


A hardliner- All necromancers, vampires ect are bad and must be wiped out.


Moderate- You can work with them when you need to but it doesn’t mean you like it.


Soft-liner- You judge based on how individuals act rather than condemning all necromancers/vampires as evil.


How did you survive after your parents’ murder?


Remained in Senchal?


Lived with family/clan?


Enrolled in an institution for training?


How did you learn magic/archery/two moons dance?


Passed down through family?


Taught yourself/became a mercenary?


Joined an institution?


Do you have a patron Divine/Deadra you fight for?


Are they a part of the Khajiit pantheon?


Are they Divine or Deadric?


How does this affect you?




The Dark Path (Build past level 50)


There comes a time in every Witchhunters career when they ask themselves, “How could I push myself further? How could I make myself the ultimate hunter?” The answer is the dark path. Many Witchhunters have succumbed to the call. Given into the call of conjuration magic to destroy the dark forces they hunt. Atronachs can be summoned against mages of the same element to make invincible tanks, capable of destroying these mages without harm to themselves. It also unlocks the door to spells to banish mages summoned minions and a bow of dark ethereal energy. The rewards are high but so is the cost. Will you sacrifice your morality to wipe out the monsters you hunt?


Perks are: Novice-? Conjuration, left side up to Elemental potency, right side to mystic binding.


Other skills can be added to the Witchhunter repertoire to make them even more deadly. Block can be used for a shield mage or shield claw offensive. For this take perks only on the left side of the tree up to elemental protection.


Alternatively, the Witchhunter can master alchemy to strengthen their offence against mages. Poisons of damage magicka and damage magicka regen could prove invaluable to the Witchhunter. Take perks up to Physisian and from there up to concentrated poison.



Special Moves


Gates of Hell


Finding a choke point, the witch hunter casts a circle of protection spell and attacks enemy necromancers from behind it with their bow. When their undead thralls hit the circle and start to flee, the witch hunter unleashes a fiery blast to destroy them.


Bane of the undead, Mage bane, Fire breath


Lightning Strike


The Witch hunter becomes lightning and moves at incredible speeds. This allows the witch hunter to close in on a mage and cause a damaging aura effect while charging up a powerful strike. As soon as the blast has been channelled, the witch hunter unleashes it, leaving the unfortunate mage as nothing more than a pile of dust.


Slow time, Lightning cloak, Lightning storm




Aetherial Well


Years of meditation have allowed the Witchhunter to make better use of the Atronach stone. The Witchhunter can store up the magicka from incoming spells and at a later time unleash it all, giving almost unlimited magicka for a short time.


Guardian circle/Circle of protection + Atronach stone.


Why you should play this build


Here I just wanted to outline why you should take the time to play this build. Firstly it offers such a versatile style of combat that you can be prepared for any situation. Making use of stealth, magic and close combat means that there is a way to defeat any enemy that comes across your path without having to break character.


This build also offers interesting roleplay aspects. A sample backstory has been laid out for you to use or you can make your own. The roleplaying questions I have asked are specific to this build and help you to create your own Witchhunter with a distinct personality.


This build is also a challenge at high levels because overpowered perks were avoided. How often do characters quickly get boring after level 30 because you kill everything too easy or your sneak skill makes you feel like the invisible man? This build retains its playability because of one thing; When you are kicking ass, it’s because of your skill, not some overpowered perk.

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The Nemesis


The Dominion no longer has a name for him. In life he was one of their finest inquisitors; known for his cruelty and precision, an expert in the apprehension and torture of Talos loyalists fleeing Skyrims borders.


It was only during an unexpected dragon attack that he was revealed to be Dragonborn and fearing a conflict of interests his superiors quietly ordered his death, a mistake they have long since regretted. The assassination was a failure and now the Thalmor are faced with an enemy that knows all of their deepest secrets and tactics, one that will stop at nothing to disrupt their plans and exact his revenge.


Race: High Elf Vampire


Stone: Mage/Lord


Major Skills: Alteration, Illusion, Conjuration, Enchanting.


Minor Skills: Restoration, Destruction.


Primary Weapon: Vorador (Silver Sword or Ebony Greatsword)


Armor: Thalmor Apparel, Ulfric's Bracers & Boots.


Essential Quests: Main Quest, Discerning the Mundane, College of Winterhold, Civil War, Missing in Action.




The Build


Playing as a Thalmor is difficult for me; their oppression of the other races combined with a supremacist attitude is hard to swallow, though I do admit they dress well. The only way I felt I could truly embrace this character was to create a Thalmor that had been betrayed by the very system he had sworn to uphold.


The Thalmor must be punished at every opportunity, their influence is felt through many questlines around Skyrim so be sure to oppose them whenever possible and collect their gear for enchanting.


This character steps into combat with typical Altmer superiority. Dominating the battlefield with fear and chaos while calmly calling elementals and undead to fuel the carnage.


The Nemesis can change his combat style seamlessly, either fighting enemies directly with enchanted weaponry and destruction or slipping to the back of the ranks into ‘dictator mode’ with conjuration and illusion. This versatility is perhaps what makes this character so much fun to play.


The Nemesis wields Vorador, a flaming sword with an appetite even greater than its master, an unsettling weapon choice for a vampiric character. Vorador synergises with destructions augmentations boasting 46 fire damage and 30 health absorption. Used in conjunction with an aspect of terror charged flame cloak The Nemesis can reach unprecedented damage per second and sustain good health through even the longest battles.


Sanguinare Vampiris


Vampirism works very well with this character. The ‘Champion of the Night’ illusion bonus combined with ‘Night Stalkers Footsteps’ are excellent when you just want to sit back as a Shadowmancer during tougher skirmishes.


At later levels the Necromage perk brings all its usual delights. A 25% increase to mage armor combined with the lord stone results in a very competitive 425 armor rating for close combat. The level cap for dead thralls increases to 50 and Atronachs last 50% longer.


Healing spells and worn enchantments become 25% stronger even giving the Thalmor Robes a welcome boost.


The Highborn racial ability is also 25% more powerful and lasts 50% longer, an arcane berserk mode!


Unhooded Thalmor robes can be found in the Thalmor embassy early during the main quest and one can obtain silver swords for enchanting from Driftshade Refuge close to Dawnstar.


Perking out the mage skill set is always full of difficult choices. Altmer have a massive advantage for skill leveling with their racial power so know that most perks are never far away if you want them enough.




Magicka 1 / Health 1 / Stamina 0


Conjuration has been highly perked, as a Thalmor/Vampire The Nemesis is well versed in both necromancy and daedra summoning and it was rewarding to command both in battle. An early push into alteration and restoration is strongly advised for survivability during close combat.


Enchanting for the most part will determine the power of Vorador so don't let it fall behind. With all schools of magic being used some cost reduction in illusion, alteration and restoration is advisable. Boots should be enchanted with fire resistance to offset the vampire weakness and improved sneaking is a useful secondary effect for this character.




Although primarily a mage, destruction can be perked slowly, aspect of terror keeps novice flame attacks potent for the entire playthrough so don't hurry to place perks as quickly as other classes.


The Flame Cloak spell book near Winterhold can be picked up early and thanks to the Altmers huge magicka reserve can be cast without the adept destruction perk. Be sure to pick that freebie up!


The daedric quest 'Discerning the Mundane' should almost certainly be completed, boosting all of this characters skills. Ideally wait till around level 25 - 30 when leveling becomes harder.

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