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[Mod Request] Gerald and Ciri romance mod

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Hello I have come with the proposition like the other three people before me and would too like a Geralt and Ciri romance mod as the others before. To be frank I understand this could be a pain the ass to make and very time consuming but I will let it be know that I and the others do not care if this mod is made later on this year, we seriously do not believe that anyone would do it in a heart beat but I digress and now the idea.

This mod idea is to use subtitle dialogue and game animations facial expressions as well to make it as if Geralt is romanced with Ciri by the end the blood and wine expansion meaning he did not romance Triss or Yen base game. And this means add some what romantic dialogue for Geralt when speaking to Ciri. Also to make so Ciri sleeps in the same bed and room with Geralt and not in the upstairs guest bedroom.We want to

kiss, hug and the choice but to have a the romance scene between Geralt and Ciri at Corvo Bianco all of this through our dialogue choice naturally.

We want this made and could wait a year or less because we know this takes time and if you agree with the idea but a request out just like this.

Edited by Applesausey
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