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Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I am not sure where things go.


Hi all I play Skyrim SKSE and have been CTD a lot. I followed instructions on how to use Loot and TES5Editautoclean and that all turned out ok but I still ctd after being in the game for about 5 mins. I also updated my drivers. I still ctd. I recently added 4 mods. Superior silverware, xxawesome potions (which really are awesome btw), retexture for bread and KS hairdo renewal. I instantly ctd. I uninstalled all 4 mods and started to reinstall them one at a time. I first did the potions then did the silverware and ctd after the silverware. So, I uninstalled and deleted the silverware (BTW this is through Nexus mod manager) but kept the potions and did not install the other 2. The game was ok for a bit. I still ctd but lasted a bit longer. Now I ctd after a few mins. Any ideas what to do next? BTW I am a 64 yr old women who knows little to nothing about computers. But I follow instructions pretty good.

Edited by Tyleen
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My advice would be to search the pinned topics on the Steam forums for SSE or Legendary.


Open Steam, hover over Community, click on Discussions then The Elder Scrolls Skyrim forum.


You will see Pinned topics at the top of the forum page. I would go to Helpful Links and References by smr1957 and Player and Modding Resources by Ilja.


For the beginning modder and even for the experienced modder these two pinned topics are a wonderful guide to modding and the tools used in modding. Just scroll down to the topic which interests you or which is giving you concern. They are also on the SSE forum page.

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