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Deadly Dragons... No random dragon spawns, at all...


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I have done the following things:


Tried without ASIS.

Made sure Deadly Dragons is excluded in ASIS.

Rested for 31 days

Made sure the only dragon mod I have is: Deadly Dragons

Put my assault time as low as 1 hour up to 15 hours, and just whatever and still no random dragons.

I am passed the Blades Quest.

I am level 30.

My timescale is default at 16.

Reinstalled Deadly Dragons

Resinstalled SKSE




The only dragons I am fighting are the ones at the walls, that is it. The "reset cells" option is not working for me either, if I wait say 8 hours in an area, the cells stay the same nothing disapperas or resets.


anyone tell me what is going on?

Edited by nafeasonto
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