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Cleaning SCRIPTS and SOURCE folders ?


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Hi everybody,


(excuse me for my English this is not my mother tongue)



I am not truly a modder : I can just put objets in the world, create interiors, actors, modify stats of existing objets.

I don't understand scripting/quests at all.


Well, I was testing things in the CS, quest windows when - I don't know why http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif - I clicked on "recompile all papyrus scripts".


44 new PEX files has been added to my script folder. They are easy to identify thanks to the modification date.


I suppose I have also to clean the script/source folder but I notice :

- that modification dates are no relevant.

- that I have far more .PSC files than .PEX files.


My questions :

- could I safely (and simply) delete the .PSC files corresponding to the .PEX files ?

- can someone explaint to me where do the .PSC files without any corresponding .PEX file come from ?


I thank you for your help.

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Just leave everything alone as it is and it won't do any harm.


OK, thanks for your answer.

I was afraid that those loose files could negative any future update from official .esm or .bsa.




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