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Can't get companion mods to work


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Hello, I'm new to this site and to Skyrim mods in general, sorry by advance if the question is dumb or anything, but I've been struggling with this the whole day without finding any solution so I'm gonna try there.


So yesterday I manually installed this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18717?tab=files&file_id=69267 following a tutorial, it was easy and that worked, I was happy and I found that cool so I wanted to install more mods like this one.

I tried other companions mods that needed nothing special to work like this one https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52853 or this one https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/80021 . But this time the followers weren't appearing in my game.

Can this be a problem linked to my Skyrim version ? Unfortunately I have a cracked version of the game, that might also be quite old, and since these mods are more recent than Temptresses, that may be a problem ? Also I've installed Temptresses before starting a new game, but didn't restart for the other mods, could that be a problem ?


Here's the detail of what happens :


- First of all, when I tried by manually dragging the files to the Data folder, I checked the box in Data Files in the Skyrim Launcher, and everything seemed to work as it worked for Temptresses but no, the followers weren't appearing.


- So I tried with different launchers. With Vortex, I can't even launch Skyrim, it tells me to update to the last version (that's my fault since I don't have an original copy)



- With Mod Organizer 2, there are the mods showing up as "Unmanaged" (probably because I put them in my Skyrim folder without using a mod manager). I activate apparently the corresponding plugins at the right of the software, when I launch Skyrim Launcher they appear as checked in Data Files, but still no companions when I search them in game.


I tried redownloading the mods, but if I activate them, then when I check the corresponding box in Data Files, when I come back right after it's unchecked. So I apparently can't activate the mod. I tried removing the Unmanaged corresponding mod from MO2 but I don't know how to do so.

I also tried launching from TESV.exe (with MO2) instead of using Skyrim Launcher but seems like that makes no difference.




I really hope I'll be able to find a solution, I spent a lot of time struggling with that. Thanks for advance for the help

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