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Far Cry 3 Longer Day&Night or Systemtime Sync


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Hey guys,


I think the day and night zyklus in Far Cry 3 is a bit to fast. :dry: Could someone mod it that the zyklus is like in gta 4 or Skyrim? Maybe it is also possible to sync the game with the systemclock and to pop up a small watch ingame. That would be awesome! ;)


Thank you!


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Yes, you're right. A realistic approach would be better. One hour ingame should last 60 real minutes. But if the day and night cycle is tied to the system clock of the computer, many people who work during the day could only see the night in Far Cry 3. This problem might be solved with a time skipping feature, in some games known as "sleep". The safe houses are perfect places for this feature, but other enterable buildings and caves might also be used.
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I've been looking for a mod like this and seen it in a Compilation said it was done by Inakrin, only problem is the Compilation itself changed too many things not to my liking so chose not to use it, tried searching for it on its own and turned up nothing, so i agree that anyone who would be able to make a Longer Day/Night Cycle would be great.


Not necessarily 1 hour is an hour in real life, but more like every 20 minutes is 1 hour, that way it would take about 1 real hour for 3 hours in game, which if you think about it, is quite awhile.


For example if you were to be playing the game while its morning lets say 9am in game, it would take 4 hours till its 9pm in-game which is a fair bit of gameplay.

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