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NAT mixed with cathedral weathers and other graphical mods order SRO, noble etc?


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Still relatively new to modding skyrim and using vortex, but I have quite a few mods going on now, so looking for some info.


Can Natural and atmopsheric tamriel be combined with other weather and lighting mods? IE: i have elfx (non enb) as of now along with cathedral weather and seasons. I'm assuming i'd just put cathedral after atmospheric in the conflict section?

I also have noble, and 2020 skyrim 4k/ parallax and a few other texture mods like cath. landscapes and skyrim 3d landscapes, i have cath. landscapes after skyrim 3d, not sure if thats right either. I also have noble before anything 4k and static mesh before all of these. I also have skyland mixed in here as well along with magestic mountains

Also, i've seen mentions of mixing SRO (skyrim realistic overhault), i assume this would come first, maybe after static mesh improvement.

I havent toyed with Enb yet, i was hoping the elfx and other lighting mods would be enough (and wasnt sure if enb worked in vr)


Running on an 8700k at 5ghz with 1080ti, so far in vr on rift s, i'm seeing the fps indicator on the 2d window reprojecting at 40 fps (i think reprojection from the 80hz headset)


Any thoughts or suggestions


Thanks in advance

Edited by markm75
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