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Windows 8 Hi Res Texture Pack Problems


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Hey, so I just recently installed Windows 8, and I remember reading before that people had had some sort of problem with Windows 8 and the hi res textures and that there's some sort of fix but I haven't been able to figure out where I saw that before. I'm also running ENB series Mod as well, but I don't know if that effects anything with windows 8.


I first launched the game and most of the stuff on the start menu wasnt loading, like the dragon image or any sort of image on the loading menu. Then I get to the game save, and no characters or anything are present. So I turn off the game, turn off the hi res packages in data files, and relaunch it and voila, no problem whatsoever.


So I'm pretty sure the problem has something to do with Windows 8 + Hi Res texture (not the 2k mod, but the one directly from Bethesda). Please let me know what I need to do to fix this, or where there's a link to someone that has discussed it. Really ben driving me nuts.


Thanks in advance.



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