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2K Textures not loading...?


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So I've tried a NMM install and then a manual install of the 2K Textures mod but it seems neither is causing anything to happen. Graphics settings are maxed the F out and everything looks as disgusting as before. I -know- it's not in my head because I installed it previously on my flatmate's computer and the difference is immediately noticeable. I've tried a clean install. I doubt its actually to do with the mod because all my other HD textures are not coming across either. I even put my save on his computer and the white buckles at the top of my Thalmor Robes are completely clear and distinct, whereas on my computer they appear as more of a white bar with little definition. The difference is also completely obvious by simply looking at a tree trunk.


Is there anything I'm missing? What could possibly cause this? Is there some kind of setting that might be creating the issue? I doubt it's an installation problem because I didn't do anything different. It may be something setting related because all my other 'HD' textures are hideous too, but are nice and pristine on his PC. But how is this possible if I overwrote the textures? There's barely a difference in our hardware, his GPU is a the next one up and he has an extra half gig VRAM. Anybody have any thoughts on the dilemma?


TL,DR; All my 'HD' textures are refusing to be HD. It' looks as if Texture Quality is on 'Vomit' even though it's set to 'High.'

Edited by wizardology
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Make sure you have the textures set to high for Skyrim in your Graphics Card's control panel as well. Setting this to anything but the highest setting can cause issues like you're describing.
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Make sure you have the textures set to high for Skyrim in your Graphics Card's control panel as well. Setting this to anything but the highest setting can cause issues like you're describing.



OMFG TYVM I can't believe it didn't occur to me to attempt that. My Mipmap value was set for performance and bumping that up to max completely fixed the whole thing. Everything is now perfectly pristine. And now I know that Mipmaps are important! And I feel incredibly stupid lol :)

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MipMaps are downsized Textures. It takes the High Quality texture and then forces the game to use the 1/2 or 1/4 size version to cut down on texture filtering.
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MipMaps are downsized Textures. It takes the High Quality texture and then forces the game to use the 1/2 or 1/4 size version to cut down on texture filtering.


In which case Mipmaps are anti-important! Down with the filthy Mipmaps!! Anyways, am enjoying Skyrim with yummy textures now so thanks again.

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