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Sissel keeps saying the same thing.


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Lol.... Load a save before you adopted anyone? Or...leave a follower like Lydia there permanently as "caretaker" and never visit that property again? (I've done both)


I feel bad for them (in a virtual sense) but fortunately they're really just cartoons. So you don't have to adopt them. Really.


Aside from that...no, I think you're going to have to get used to it to some degree.

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You have stalker child syndrome! :ohdear: Fortunately, there is indeed a fix.


Here's what you do:


1: Open your console and click on the afflicted child.


2: Type: setav variable06 0


3: Hit the Enter key


4: Type: setav variable07 0


5: Hit the Enter key


6: Type: evp


7: Hit the Enter key


The child should stop stalking you and go about their business. :cool:

Edited by Lollia
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