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unique weapon - The Shadow Scythe


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Hey I'm wondering if anyone is willing to make this mod cause i have no skills when it comes to this myself. anyway the weapon is unique cause for one it can shift into any weapon at all (default is scythe and no guns), just need to "tell" it what weapon you want when you equip it. two it gives one the ability to shadow teleport. three it levels with you. four it leaves no bloody messes, it literally drinks the blood, and grows even stronger. five the vamps will worship you cause of the first vamp lord/lady (depends on pc's gender) is sealed inside it. six it weighs nothing (it's made of shadows). and seven it costs no ammo for use in bow/crossbow forms (though would love to see a cluster arrow/bolt ability if possible). so if anyone wants to try this one let me know, all i ask is for credit of the idea nothing else.

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