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Romance is in the Air


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A fair number of clothing mods have been made with a romantic situation in mind. Beautification mods abound. However, I see little point in all this if significant changes aren't made to dialogue and physical behavior...such as hugging, kissing, and handholding.


I'll be the first to admit that I can't do the mod, but someone among all the skilled folks out there should be able to accomplish the feat. As it stands, what one has is roughly comparable to a box of candy which is only partially sweetened.


Pornography isn't necessary, though having sex is very nice as the culmination of a romantic interlude. No, "fade to black" would be just fine. However, I do think that romantic behavior should be done properly. Therefore, I'd like to request that someone create a reasonably thorough romance mod for Skyrim. If we're gonna hint at it we might as well do it properly.


Sigh! 'Course, if someone does create the mod, then someone else will immediately tweak it so that the "fade to black" becomes "on the back and heals in the air". PhooeyI I've got four kids...that I know of. I don't need to see it done by a pair of bitmaps.

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